I was reminded only recently how far societal change has moved, and how distant and disconnected so many have become to spiritual understanding of festivals, commemorations, and various practices. Easter is probably an excellent example.
Even amongst the privately (and that speaks volumes!) religious, unless directly engaged within the confines of the religiously minded community, there is decreasing talk and appreciation of the significance of this unique event. Unique, of course, the critic may claim, if one already accepts the religious view. Even the word ‘religion’ itself has come to cloak itself, in the minds of many, in a shadow.
Easter is not only unique, but of significance beyond measure. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we are of course entering the prongs of Autumn and can already feel, drawing us into its coming pulse, the distinctive clarity and coldness of Winter. In contrast, I remember well the warming aspect of the blossoming smiles this time brings in Springtime Northern Hemisphere climates. There the promise of the resurrection of life is so evident. Here, despite the dominance of evergreens, the longer nights and increased levels of darkness make the crucifixion appear the dominant event of Easter – a hard pill to swallow in reflecting on the Passion of Christ!
Which brings me to meditative practice(s)… not so much the normal daily practice, but in this case, the very specific opportunity the event brings – and of course this is one of the beauty of having recurring festivals peppering the annual calendar: bringing us provision to reflect, to enter into deeper connection, and to meet both within and with others spiritual, social, and transformative realities.
To sit in silence, go within, select a descriptive passage from the New Testament that gives us opportunity to enter into the event of the Passion of Christ…
Even the timing of Easter is significant. Certainly its connection with Passover is significant: not only as the 15th day of Nissan (corresponding, as the Hebrew calendar is luni-solar, to the post-equinoctial Full Moon), but also with the first Sunday following this Moon, marking a rebirth to freedom from the bindings of death, in a manner reminiscent of the unbinding of the Hebrew tribes from their Egyptian bondage.
A renewed freedom… with all this implies in terms of awakening to the fearless possibilities arising with responsibilities one is willing to take on.
Politically, it can be seen as a renewed awakening from the assumed paternalistic presumptions of government interference through fear mongering, towards the responsible self-determination freedom brings. Both early Christians in the Roman Empire, and Falun Gong practitioners within the Communist Chinese regime, have certainly suffered for their respective spiritual striving to a form of self determination that increasingly connects one to the spiritual realms and to each other.
Easter, of course, is more than this… and reading the Gospels is a good start to an inner awakening to its vast and universal spiritual dimensions.
To read some aspects I had written some time back, check my main website on the statement from John’s Gospel: 13:31 ‘Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in him’