fourhares sisu blog

  • Gaza naval blockade

    What’s a nation to do when people around it are hell-bent on seeking to destroy it, to bring in (even more) weapons, to violently provoke it, and to paint it as an unfair aggressor? Israel is no in any kind of enviable space: it is surrounded by communities that do not genuinely believe it even…

  • A Conversation Between Enrique Enriquez and Jean-Michel David

    New York – Melbourne :: May 2010 [this conversation was recorded for Enrique’s site: tarology (beta)] Enrique Enriquez: Is there any of the tarot images you have never recovered from? Jean-Michel David: Interestingly, yes! It’s really the single card that has cost me thousands of dollars (literally), and had me hunting down a number of…

  • NAPLAN 2010 and MySchool

    I frankly fail to understand how the education unions continue to support NAPLAN. That the State sector unions sought to cause a hiccup in this year’s implementation due to the inappropriate usage of NAPLAN results on the MySchool website seems to be entirely missing the central concern that teachers in all sectors have had since…

  • International Temple Mount Awareness Day

    Today, 16th March, marks an important development: the first international Temple Mount Awareness day. [Model of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, as it would have been prior to its Roman destruction] For those amongst us who care for the sanctity of the Jewish Temple’s location, this new celebration is… well, something to celebrate! The second…

  • naplan 2010

    A reminder that any parent or guardian may WITHDRAW their CHILD from having to participate in the NAPLAN 2010 tests (at the bottom of this post, I also add some notes regarding other NAPs occurring this year). 2010 NAPLAN tests are due to be conducted between the 11th-14th of May this year (unless a school…

  • Aus. passports vs citizens

    It’s some concern when both our foreign and prime ministers seem to place more value on the appropriation of an Australian passport than they do on protecting the life and freedom of Australian citizens. Where the foreign minister claimed that the usage of such Australian passports would not be an ‘act of a friend’, Kevin…

  • Propagating murder is not an expression of free speech!

    In an ironic twist, radical muslims in the US are using the above slogan against those who act against islamic aggression… but perhaps, even without considering, amongst numerous others, Salman Rushdie and the 75 y.o. Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard who have their lives at risk, some of these images speak for themselves: … or to…

  • Avatar – the film

    I took the opportunity a couple of days ago to see this film in 3-D at Melbourne’s IMAX (which currently boasts the world’s second-largest 3-D screen… and rates third for 2-D projections). Having been informed that a long queue forms for seating, I arrived early enough to be one of the first in the queue,…

  • UN anti-Israel

    Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict I’ve just (finally) read the 575 page UN document titled ‘HUMAN RIGHTS IN PALESTINE AND OTHER OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES: Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict‘ (otherwise known as the ‘Goldstone’ report). There’s not really much to say.…

  • Ringing Cedars of Russia

    I first came across the series from full-page advertisements placed in the magazine Nexus mentioning (within the advert) that sales have reached over 10 million without advertising, and must admit that such advertising oxymoron did not predispose me to a favourable view of the publisher’s honesty: either they do not advertise and indeed sales spread…

Got any book recommendations?