Category: Politics

  • Why I shall NOT be voting Labor this month

    First and foremost, the last few years under the current Labor regime has seen some rather concerning signs of social control reminiscent of Stalinist-like (or Nazi-like) push towards uniformity through educational ‘reform’: instead of seeking to encourage and maximise diversity, the Labor Government has, in one scoop, both taken steps to remove State autonomy, as…

  • towards safer airports and the loss of human dignity.

    [originally published in my Octant, October 2006] Electronically tagging passengers at airports is itself an act of terrorism, freethinkers may say! I simply found it incredulous to consider that BBC online could report on the possibility of electronically tagging passengers as though this was something that could even be considered of remote social good. What…

  • Concerning the Catholic Church’s Parochial Discernment on the Admission of Homosexuals to Holy Orders.

    [originally published in my Octant, issue 1, December 2005, Simply two areas of concern – the first on genetic engineering; and the second on basically using the gay community as a scape-goat for sexual harassment of minors by a small number of those within Catholic orders.] This is a brief personal response to the English…

  • Are Asian nuns being used as guinea pigs for genetically modified food-stuff?

    [originally published in my Octant, issue 1, December 2005, Simply two areas of concern – the first on genetic engineering; and the second on basically using the gay community as a scape-goat for sexual harassment of minors by a small number of those within Catholic orders.] Genetically modified rice? Radio can be quite informative at…

  • Further papal reflections

    [from LiveJournal] Well – I at least predicted the correct name of the Pope, even if not the correct person. The other prediction, more likely given the age of the current Pope than the person I had predicted, is that he would only last until 2008. This we shall see, and perhaps we shall then…

  • Forecasting the new Pope and personal preferences

    [original on LiveJournal:] As I have already posted a reading for the forthcoming Pope, I shall not here mention it in any details. Simply refer to and, even more stepping out with possibly totally incorrect forecast, I write here, however, to reflect on what are some of the changes I would like…