fourhares sisu blog

  • On the educational merits of student financial vouchers

    It was refreshing to open the year with a post from Moshe Feiglin (an Israeli parliamentarian) writing the following within a post titled ‘Moshe Feiglin: Instead of Censoring Books, Let Parents Take Responsibility‘: “Give the money (that you took from Israel’s citizens) to the parents in the form of vouchers worth 4,000 NIS per month…

  • Victoria’s proposed legislation on vaccination

    On my political site, I have written about the proposed legislation that seeks to forbid healthy children from participating in Kinders. Here is a link to my open letter to members of the Parliament of Victoria: > On the Question of Kindergartens and Vaccinations The proposed Legislation and its anti-democratic impulse Without the freedom…

  • Philosophy Conference (July 2015)

    The 2015 COMIUCAP Conference is to be held at the A.C.U. in Melbourne on the 22-22 in July, with the focus: Philosophy’s Role in a Renewed Understanding of the Meaning of Education > Conference link Of especial interest was the description in the call to papers, which I quote at length: Education has been widely…

  • Victorian elections 2014

    Entering the final week before the Victorian State elections, it’s certainly been a journey as I stand as a candidate for the Upper House (in Victoria called the Legislative Council). For anyone standing as an Independent, the electoral system is stacked against such: never mind that an Independent is likely to have less resources than…

  • Wilful Web Woes

    Over the last few years, I have used two different servers on which to host the various sites I have (or sub-host on behalf of others). It seems like some maliciously intended people have managed to get in to one of the servers (owned by a UK-based company, but maintained in the USA) and caused…

  • Kinders & Vaccinations

    Here is a link to my open letter to members of the Parliament of Victoria: On the Question of Kindergartens and Vaccinations Please feel free to share or link to it in any way that may assist. Below I also briefly describe my views on the proposed legislation. Michael Leunig’s cartoon on the same subject…

  • Serendipitous reflections

    It’s a joy when I haphazardly stumble across an old friend or acquaintance that I have not seen or heard from in years (or decades) and see their success and life directions. Recently, through a series of internet clicks, perusing for a possible firm to engage for marketing Little Yarra, emerged a person who is…

  • Australian National Curriculum Review

    I have (finally) added a page with a copy of my late-night submission to the review of the so-called Australian National Curriculum. I say ‘so-called’, as there is, of course, no such thing, nor should there be! For ease of reference, the page is on my main fourhares site: Australian National Curriculum Review (a pdf…

  • A most astounding pen…

    I must admit that I find many pens a little lacking – but this one has all the qualities that I would rejoice in using: the Pelikan M101N Jubilee Pen… otherwise referred to as the lizard pattern.

  • Two US-based conferences…

    Here are two conferences to which, each year, I look to and, as usual, am unable to participate… this year precisely a month apart. Semiotic Society of America The annual conference of the Semiotic Society of America taking place, this year, in Seattle between the 2nd and 5th of October: RunRev’s LiveCode 2014 The other…

Got any book recommendations?