fourhares sisu blog

  • On the hope of the incoming Federal Senate

    It’s been a long time coming, but there appears to be some light at the end of the tunnel – a long tunnel made all the darker during the last few years with the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government. That they managed to not only erode personal freedoms and expand government bureaucracies to the extent they did shows…

  • forecasting the new Pope

    There will no doubt be numerous conflicting predictions as to who is likely to be elected our next Pope. Back prior to the election of Benedict XVI, I forecast the wrong individual (I thought he did not have much of a chance) but correctly predicted the name he was to adopt (Benedict). Papal name Of…

  • Truth, Beauty and the Good

  • ‘Meet Tarek Fatah’

    ideacity on Broadcast Live Free

  • Reading the Marseille Tarot

    It’s way overdue, and the files on my computer have finally made it to printers (at this stage available only from This is a tarot book that I originally wrote over the course of a year spanning across 2007-2008, and the isbn is registered as 2009. Since then, the most I have done is…

  • Why Children Shouldn’t have the World at their Fingertips

    The following originally appeared in Orion Magazine – well worth a read as a counter-balance to the all too common push towards extreme impulses. By Lowell Monke* THOMAS EDISON WAS A GREAT INVENTOR but a lousy prognosticator. When he proclaimed in 1922 that the motion picture would replace textbooks in schools, he began a long…

  • A Pencil, a treat…

    It’s been a while since my last post, and it seems that so much has occurred since just on a month ago. I won’t go into details here. The purpose of this post is to reflect on the wonderful world of writing instruments – in this case a pencil crafted as a functional piece of…

  • The Daily Bell does it again!

    Perhaps I am far more libertarian than I realise, or perhaps the past ten years under a State government that has seen the erosion of individual liberties fallen far more than anyone could have imagined, or perhaps it is the destructive elements being promulgated by our Australian Federal government over the past few years that…

  • Reflections on The Secret of the Tarot by Robert Swiryn

    Having received a copy of Robert’s book last week, I took it along whilst camping for a few days. I have to admit that the subtitle had me a little concerned: ‘How the story of the Cathars was concealed in the Tarot of Marseilles’. This seems to be a claim that periodically raises its head,…

  • On a new Palestinian State

    The PLO is seeking support for a new Palestinian State. Personally, I don’t see any problem with this, as long as it genuinely seeks for the proposed state to be a workable model. To this end, its surrounding countries need to be willing to cede small regions of their territory to allow for the formation…

Got any book recommendations?