fourhares sisu blog

  • Play, stories, the brain’s plasticity, Obama’s Prison State and the ‘swine’ influenza ‘pandemic’

    Quite a mouthful, that heading… and considering I also wanted to include something on synæsthesia, I’ve rather narrowed somewhat my ‘focus’! Swine flu pandemic Let’s begin with the last of these first: the flu ‘pandemic’ and the reaction to it by officialdom. I accept that when the first outbreak of this new influenza virus began…

  • Steiner, NAPLAN and student withdrawals

    I’m pleased to hear that ALL students in classes 3, 5, 7 and 9 in Victoria’s largest and oldest Steiner school have been withdrawn by their parents from having had to participate in NAPLAN tests. One would expect that all students in ALL Steiner schools and Steiner-inspired ‘streams’ in State schools would similarly be withdrawn,…

  • NAPLAN – or the demise of pedagogical principles

    As you may be aware, next week is when Australian schools are under obligation to provide standardised tests to students in classes (or years) 3, 5, 7 and 9 who have not been withdrawn from participation by their parents (or by their school in very special circumstances in which this is permitted). For those who…

  • being a car kinda bloke…

    Cars…. and more cars Actually, I’m not much of a car-kind-of-bloke, but I do enjoy seeing and driving beautifully designed cars… and since the 70s, I’ve driven some pretty nice models. One that comes to mind is the Citroën SM. Of my personal favourites in terms of design are not necessarily those that have been…

  • Tarot Convention – July 2009

    …the Art of Tarot I’m looking forward to participating in this year’s Convention. Apart from anything else, elements of it remind me of the 2005 International Tarot Conference, except that none of the major headaches of organising such a large event are there, and I’ll be able to participate with everyone this time! …and some…

  • photographic delights

    Every so often, I peruse Robert Mealing‘s site. And each time, there are new wonderful additions to the gallery. Here is someone who has a keen eye for balanced detail… his photography (and his thoughts – but that’s another story) well worth perusing. As an example, have a look at this incredibly sensitive and ever…

  • Site updates

    … I’ve only made some rather quick changes to this blog. What I’m very pleased about, however, are the updates (and moving over 70 pages) to the Newsletters of the Association for Tarot Studies (now at their own subdomain:, and the registration of (though I do need to do a fair amount of…

  • Schapelle Corby not over yet!

    When will the new government pick up the pieces left by the previous one with regards to leaving an innocent victim of a regime that has… let’s be sensitive in this description… ‘different’ values to our own and imprisons someone without a fair trial!? It’s about time that perhaps Australia looks at Israel in terms…

  • Israel’s crisis

    A number of years ago, I wrote a brief reflection which I titled ‘On the lie of suicide bombings: how to maximise support by presenting murder as suicide’ (this was prior to the establishment of this blog, but basically the equivalent, ‘published’ as ‘octant‘). If I can reflect a little on the worldwide current situation,…

  • Step 2: Government filters internet

    …and we all thought that mainland China was over the top! Now it seems that our still new-ish Federal Government is intent on stepping up its invasive prohibitions. This is certainly another (and unexpected) example of the kind of stuff my previous post mentioned, without only a few days ago aware that this was on…

Got any book recommendations?