fourhares sisu blog
Oft fear of an evil drives us to another worse
Those words, penned in 1674 by Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux (Canto I, l.64) in his L’Art Poetique, has unfortunately so many resonances in today’s socio-political climate. At one level, this can be seen on a common basis as one boards flights: the fear of some flight incident is driving society to measures reminiscent of fascism – and…
Rudolf Steiner and Freemasonry
Now how about this… Finally a workshop that crosses two of my principal interests, namely the works of Rudolf Steiner and Freemasonry, and such on the other side of the globe. The University of Sheffield’s Centre for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism is presenting the following: Workshop on The Temple Legend November 1 2008 The…
Adobe CS-4
ok. I’m impressed. Having just returned from an Adobe launch of the suite, it also makes me feel that my poor site (which I have only the past week given a major face-lift) is some decade behind the times, and likewise my skills and abilities! I look forward to fiddling around with both DreamWeaver…
World’s Second Oldest Grand Lodge (finally) admits women!
It’s about time. Actually, it’s really quite overdue: France’s oldest Grand Lodge, the Grand Orient de France, has so far not prevented its Lodges from initiating amongst its ranks women. Presumably such move will be explicitly supported at its next meeting in September. Of course, women have been in Freemasonry for quite some time, with…
New Forum
In many ways, it’s a pity it had to come to that. I suppose that at least in the online world, when rules and regulations begin to be applied in manners that have a deadening effect, one can easily move on to another domain, without feeling as though those who remain have no choice. Would…
30 Weeks pdf
I have to admit that writing these has so far been both tiring and absolutely wonderful: tiring, as it is on top of my teaching, association for tarot studies, and masonic commitments (as well as my personal life); wonderful in that each week I find myself having to isolate elements I consider more important and…
Blogging hits FourHares
Here it is! Finally decided to copy-cat what so many others are doing and create my own weblog! …but of course, this does not mean that my main site is being left – in fact, I suspect that I’ll still be spending more time updating and creating pages there than I’ll do here, but we…
towards safer airports and the loss of human dignity.
[originally published in my Octant, October 2006] Electronically tagging passengers at airports is itself an act of terrorism, freethinkers may say! I simply found it incredulous to consider that BBC online could report on the possibility of electronically tagging passengers as though this was something that could even be considered of remote social good. What…
[from LiveJournal] What wonderful things to be involved with! First, there is the ongoing involvement and contributions to Aeclectic’s Tarotforum, then there was the International Tarot Conference last year… and now, Tarotpedia. If nothing else, it’s great to not only be able to engage in so many different ways, but in each case with a…
Concerning the Catholic Church’s Parochial Discernment on the Admission of Homosexuals to Holy Orders.
[originally published in my Octant, issue 1, December 2005, Simply two areas of concern – the first on genetic engineering; and the second on basically using the gay community as a scape-goat for sexual harassment of minors by a small number of those within Catholic orders.] This is a brief personal response to the English…
Got any book recommendations?